Hello and welcome, dear visitor! This is my personal homepage with a lot of stupid shit on it. No matter if it is pictures I took, software I coded, music I produced or videos I edited.
Everything that my smol brain manages to squeezes out will find its place right here. Think of it as my library of bad creative decisions. If you look for something specific, here you have
a general overview of all the different sub pages:
Start - The start page of my homepage. Find awesome stuff to read like this very text!
Software - Here you can find any tools I developed, including their source code, documentation and executables. Also contains any games I developed!
Music - This is the place for my self-produced music! I also put here many songs that are very old and I might never release!
Images - If you're looking for some pictures I've taken, here you can find them! Especially furry commisions and fursuit pictures.
Videos - The true goldmine of this website! Here I will put all the videos I edited over the last few years.
Wolf Den - The secret part of my website :3 Only accessible with the correct password!
Stupid Bullshit - Welp, guess what belongs here!